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School drop off and collection. Morning Club and Turning Circle. Consent to Walk.


Due to increasing parental demand, St Edmund Campion will be offering an enhanced wraparound care on-site from September 24. 


Breakfast will be included before school and our on-site wraparound care will run until 6pm Monday-Thursday and 5pm Friday.  For more details contact St Edmund Campion Childcare Group on  Bookings now open for 24-25.

23-24 offering until July 24


This operates each morning 7:45-8:45 at a cost of £2 per child 
You may drive in to the school car park before 8:10am and drop children off for morning club or walk your child
 to the green gates in the KS2 playground where they will be registered.

Our older children are wonderful at helping the younger children settle in and there will be staff on hand to supervise and support.
Places must be booked and paid for at least 48 hours in advance to ensure appropriate staffing levels as we do not currently limit the numbers attending morning club.

Places can be booked through your Arbor App

This offering will cease at the end of summer term 24 as full wraparound care on-site will then be offered. Contact for information and booking links.



This late collection time slot operates each day. Children will be cared for in school and then taken to the front of school turning circle point for collection between 3:45-4. The cost is £1 per child which must be paid for in advance through your Arbor App. 
This late collection time will be limited to 45 children to ensure the children are safely and well-supervised at the collection point. 

Places can be booked through your Arbor App


Please note that children booked in turning circle will not be available for collection between 3:15-3:45 as they are looked after in a central location.

Morning Drop Off
Our school hours are 8:45 - 3:15 with registration at 8:45.

Children may be dropped off at turning circle at the front of the school or at the field gate, between 8:30-8:45. The school gates will close at 8:45. 

Children dropped off after 8:45 are late. They must be taken to the front office and signed in by an adult.

End of Day Collection

Children must be collected by parents/carers from the school’s infant playground at 3:15. Children in KS2 will walk through to the infant playground for collection.

Please make sure you are in the infant playground, ready to collect, at 3:15. 


In emergency situations when you may be late, please email so we can make sure your child is aware and held in a safe place.


If your child is in Y5/6 and you consent to them leaving the school site unaccompanied, please complete consent for this on the Arbor App.



Consent to Walk Home

Parents/carers or children in Y5 and 6 may provide consent for their child to walk home through the Arbor App.
