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Curriculum design is a freedom we enjoy as an academy school; we take this responsibility seriously and have taken a great deal of time ensuring the curriculum is both knowledge rich and experience rich. It is carefully planned and well-sequenced to ensure our children can build on their prior learning. Our entire school curriculum is underpinned by the principles of Catholic Social Teaching:  Care for Creation, Solidarity, Human Dignity, Rights and Responsibilities, Concern for the Poor, The Common Good and Community.


Our curriculum content is influenced by educational researchers such as ED Hirsch and D. Willingham and is under continual review to ensure we are meeting the needs of all our children in the most effective way. 

This has been particularly important during the pandemic where groups of children are unable to attend school physically at various points.  


The curriculum is just a starting point though; how the curriculum is implemented is of equal importance.

Over the last few years we have been considering the best ways to help our children understand and remember what they have been taught.  After considerable research in this area, we have now ensured all members of staff are trained in Rosenshine's Principles of Instruction. Teachers attend regular ResearchEd conferences and work with subject leads in other schools to ensure the quality of teaching at St Edmund Campion is fully inclusive and of the highest possible standard. 


Subject specialists plan and teach our computing and music curriculum to ensure the quality of teaching in these specialist areas is progressive throughout the school and of high quality. 

At St Edmund Campion, we have always been outward looking in order to gain expertise from subject associations and other curriculum design specialists. This means our teachers and teaching assistants can focus their efforts on: quality first teaching; building relationships with the children they teach; supporting pastoral needs; and supporting the wider ambitions of the school.


