RE Leader: Miss F Marriott
At St Edmund Campion School, Religious Education is a core subject alongside English and Maths. Through our teaching of RE and our school mission statement 'God is at the centre of everything we do' we help children to experience, explore and understand the Catholic faith in more depth.
Our school follows 'God Matters' RE scheme which has been created by the Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth.This scheme contains ten units which reflect the Church's liturgical calendar. RE is taught weekly through gospel and gives children the opportunity to apply their understanding to everyday life. Each year every class will study another faith: Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Sikhiam.
Collective Worship is a crucial part to the spiritual life of our school and to the pupils' moral and spiritual development. Through the day we aim to initiate, encourage and provide opportunities for prayer. The children participate in daily collective worship where they experience a personal relationship with God and gain knowledge of Jesus as a person as well as his teachings. Weekly, the children also participate in hymn practice where they sing the words of God. Alongside this, during Lent we visit the stations of the cross at St Edmund Campion Church and during October and May we pray the rosary.
I have come that you may have life and have it to the full.
John 10:10