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Catholic Life of the School

Year of Prayer


After the year dedicated to reflection on the documents and the study of the fruits of the Second Vatican Council in 2023, Pope Francis has asked that 2024 be marked as a Year of Prayer. The Holy Father announced its launch on Sunday 21 January 2024, on the fifth annual celebration of the ‘Sunday of the Word of God’

St Edmund Campion is not a place where pupils merely grow in knowledge, it is a place where children develop their identity and character.  

We look to scripture for revelation from God which guides us in the way he wants us to live.

In the Gospels and our Church tradition we find the person of Jesus, through his teachings and interactions with people, showing us the way to live our lives. 


Our Catholic character is underpinned by the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-12). 


The scripture expresses what it is that we want to nurture and develop in the children in our care:

Faithfulness & Integrity

Dignity & Compassion

Humility & Gentleness

Truth & Justice

Forgiveness & Mercy

Purity & Holiness

Tolerance & Peace

Service & Sacrifice

Oscar Romero Developer Award

Feedback about StEC from the Assessor


It is encouraging that you have been enabled through your participation and achievement of the Participator Level to use the principles of Catholic Social Teaching to develop your work with the whole school community and make CST more recognisable and explicit.

It is clear that recently School Leaders, Teachers, Support Staff and Governors have received training in CST through CAFOD and this commendable.

During my visit it was clear that all those who had undertaken training had welcomed this and felt it had helped them to be more explicit in using the language of CST and well as developing their understanding of the principles. This has also enabled the LGB to monitor CST more effectively in the development of its policies, exemplified in the decision to alter the admission oversubscription criteria so that all Looked after Children, regardless of faith, can be admitted to the school.

The decision by Governors to financially support the employment of a full time Pastoral Lead (non-teaching) who works with vulnerable children and their families is laudable. This was confirmed in my discussion with Governors.

During the pandemic your efforts to ensure that children and families felt supported are commendable. Decisions around provision of Foodshare vouchers and signposting to local charities for vulnerable families are all examples of support at a difficult time.

The introduction of a weekly topic into the Newsletter together with a question for discussion such as “How has Queen Elizabeth 11 promoted peace” is an innovative idea and together with the new website is hopefully reaching out to Parents and the local parish.

These strategic decisions demonstrate CST in action.

At the next level the challenge will be to show how CST is further influencing the development of policies as well as how to continue to promote CST to Parents and reach out to the wider community.

Clearly you are developing CST throughout your curriculum. For example using the Reading Spine to shine a light on issues such as refugees and child carers to open up social justice conversations through books and other literature such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; your work in the area of climate change demonstrating Care for Creation as well as History linking topics such as the Benin Kingdom to Dignity of Work and Option for the Poor as well as others considering Solidarity and Peace through teaching about the civil rights movement.

It is very encouraging that CST links are being made with subjects outside the 'mainstream' such as Computing, Art and Music.

During my visit it was clear that SoW were being scrutinised before adoption to ensure a good 'fit' with CST principles.

The evidence from pupil's own work is to be commended and was confirmed during the visit when I had the opportunity to view work from different year groups and subjects.

Displays evident around school and in every classroom were impressive and reflect that the school is aiming to develop greater consistency in the use of CST terminology and truly embed it in all they do led by the inspirational RE Lead.

In the Practical strand it is commendable that evidence is not limited to charity fund-raising as important as this is but also about opportunities to raise awareness through outside speakers, the invitation to Parliament to talk about what the school and eco committee were doing to help save the planet and urge MP's and others to actively support schools in this endeavour as well as making Christmas cards for local residents, making winter packs for the homeless and supporting Foodshare.

It is encouraging that pupil's have a 'voice' through the School Council and Eco Group. During the validation visit children were able to articulate how they made suggestions for charity fund-raising events as well as ideas to improve the school/church environment through a rewilding project to promote butterflies and bees, increasing the number of litter bins and raising awareness of how to save water etc.

It is also evident that through groups such as Anti-Bullying Ambassadors, Sports Ambassadors and RE Buddies that there are many children engaged in promoting social justice issues such as sharing and treating all with respect. All of these groups are to be applauded for the work they are doing to promote CST.

Building on and developing all these initiatives both locally, nationally and internationally should be the focus for the Innovator Level as well as including examples of pupil led activities and how this impacts on the life of the school and its decision-making.

It is evident from the Self Assessment that you are well-placed to move on in further developing the principles of CST across all the strands at the Innovator Level. The validation visit further reinforced this view.


Many congratulations on achieving the Developer Level. Judith Hoar 29/09/22
