Eco Lead Teacher: Miss E Thomson
Link Governor: Mrs J Evans
Green Flag Awarded - 4th Time
Our Eco-Code
- Use reusable materials in your lunchboxes (less packaged items).
- Any packaging in your lunch that can be recycled, bring home with you and do so.
- Only take the amount of food that you’re going to eat, rather than wasting food.
- Use water wisely and do not leave taps running.
- Ensure that you recycle plastic bottles at our recycling bank but do not purchase bottles purely for that purpose.
- Use the correct bins for your rubbish.
- Pick up at least 5 pieces of rubbish per day!
- Ensure all lights and electrical devices are turned off when not in use.
- Avoid using the car when possible.
- Discuss buying ethically produced food and clothing with parents
Invitation to speak in Parliament Oct 21

Eco Learning examples throughout the school
Well done to our reception children; many of whom helped to refurbish the Bug Hotel under the watchful eye of Mrs Curran.
The hotel now has many more pots filled with old leaves and twigs. There is also an extra floor or two so that we can welcome new bugs. We hope you enjoy carefully observing the hotel's visitors!
KS2 children sharing their learning about the annual Earth Hour with the school.
Will you take part this March?