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Chair of St Edmund Campion School and Nursery Local Governing Body: Mrs Julia Evans

  • 'Leaders, including governors, share a common Christian vision, are equal partners and through example inspire the community resulting in a highly collaborative and successful school.
  • Governors act as supportive, critical friends of the school and know the school’s strengths and areas for development in religious education. The time and commitment they give to the school is to be commended.' Section 48, Nov 2019

As a charity and company limited by guarantee, the Catholic Multi-Academy Trust Company is governed by the board of directors which is responsible for and oversees the management and administration of the Catholic Multi-Academy Trust Company and the academies within it.

The Directors have overall responsibility and ultimate decision making authority for all the work of the Catholic Multi-Academy Trust. These responsibilities are largely carried out through strategic planning and the setting of policy.

The Scheme of Delegation (below) makes clear the areas delegated to the Local Governing Body (LGB) of St Edmund Campion Catholic Primary School and Nursery.

LGB Report to Parents

Roles and Responsibilities 2023-24

LGB Meeting Dates 2023-24

Committees and Roles 2023-24

LGB Members who left the board in 2022-23

Register of Business Interests 2022-23
